The toughest 30 minute workout you’ll ever have.
The Gym

Gym Floor
Jab Fitness Training Gym offers a variety of equipment and enough to accommodate those busy hours: 7 Leather Heavy Bags ranging from 75lbs - 150lbs 10 Leather Speed Bags raging from extra small to large 1 small Leather Double-End Bag

Speedbag Row
Improve your hand speed, hand-eye coordination and build endurance with a variety of top notch speed bags.

Weight Room
Parabody Weight System including Bench/Squat Rack, Hack Squat Machine, Leg Extension/Leg Curl Machine, Lat Pulldown/Row Machine, Hyper Extension/Roman Chair, Pull-up/Dip Tower and Dumb Bell Rack.

Jab Fitness Training isn't a fad workout. It's a full boxers workout...heavybag, speedbag, double-end bag and jumprope. This developed circuit training will build muscle, burn fat, build stamina and improve your over-all health like no other workout! It will get you lean and strong. Lose weight and tone up by burning calories during an intense boxing circuit that takes only 30 minutes. Our training gym uses only top quality boxing heavy bags, speed bags, double-end bags and jump ropes in a no-frills environment. Your cardiovascular and muscle strength will benefit from our motivational and fun circuit training. We don't promote boxing matches - only a workout that is unmatched. Both men and women can get fit, feel good and gain a stronger sense of self-confidence starting a routine of JAB Fitness Training today!

Joe Cassano